Sunday, October 5, 2008

Today is St. Francis day!

I did not realize but today is Saint Francis day.
Being not brought up in the Christian faith, this is new to me.
I went to the Food Not Bombs meetup in Northampton (we are trying to rally against having panhandeling become illegal in the town, and the shelters will not let them in-- I'll explain more about food not Bombs and how I collaborate in another post).

Anyways, I see a bunch of dogs sitting patiently with their owners in front a Church. Some of the owners were dressed up casually, while others were wearing their church attire.
Most of the dogs were short-- there were a couple of collies, and a very cute,  little pug (his name was Oliver). 
And then there was the priest- he was dressed in a beautiful robe, and had this really beautiful scarf on that you could tell was stiched and handmade. He seemed like a very kind loving man.

 I then saw him bless each and every one of the doggies, reapeating the blessing:
"May God bless you and keep you."

It sounded really beautiful. I felt like crying. It really made me happy to see someone with so much love and compassion towards all humans and people. This is why I have always had such respect for spiritual leaders, since they all have so much love and respect towards all humans and creatures.

Here is some more info about St. Francis:

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