Sunday, February 1, 2009

Technology and how it dominates us, and how it has made society its slave

"Your basic person wants to talk about material culture, internet culture. I think about God, cats, nature."-- Billy Corgan

 After being away  for some time,  I have begun to discover how much the computer  dominates our lives, and how so many people have succumb to it.
   It just really saddens me how the only way that people want to communicate with others is through an electronic medium.  I have met people on facebook who think that I am the coolest person ever, and become obsessed over me, telling me that we are going to be best friends; cook together; go to protests together; do things that best friends do. I met one of these  so called "friends" at an activist meeting, and this friend acted so distant. I know that I was critical towards the topic that was brought up, but I wanted to understand both sides of the issue that was being brought up. 
  I really don't care what others think, since I am a free thinker. I know who I am.  Maybe they don't, and they need me as a sort of way to identify with themselves, and as a medium to channel their identity.
    Maybe I am just as lost as everyone else in this world. But aren't we all? We're all floating around the universe, trying to find answers that only lead to asking more; our minds change; our perspectives change; people change us; we grow; we mature;  society changes us; we have to conform to point where we have no idea who we were in the first place.

       But  what really irks me is when I hang out with people, and instead of talking with me face to face, all they want to do is go onto instant messenger, facebook chat and converse with friends on different issues, ideas, needs, priorities, etc. I just get really frustrated when this happens, since I feel that I am not important, not worth their time. Plus, I have the rest of my life and can go onto facebook, instant messenger or  youtube any time. When I hang out with people, I want to talk to them, eye to eye, heart to heart. I want to hear people's stories-- what do you want to do? How do you want to change the world? What are you passionate about? What do you think of love? Do you love people?  What do you think of life? 
       I will never know whom you are, unless we talk in person.

     Some of the people that I was hanging out with not long ago were just interested in watching crap on tv, such as reality tv shows. There was this one reality tv show, that my peers were watching called "The Principles Office," which is about kids getting sent to the principle's office, mostly for the most ludacris reasons. And I mean, it wasn't just one or two episodes that they watched. It was more like eight or nine. It was rediculous. They all went out to party afterwords, I went to bed. I just was too sleepy. Everyone seems too fixated on partying. I can't take it. 
    I feel like people these days don't want to get to  one another. Let's get drunk, fuck eachother, and  we still don't know who the hell we are. 
         Plus I am on a tight budget, and I can't waste my money on alcohol. (Seriously, the last time that I had alchohol was in September, and even then I couldn't even finish the  can of beer. I've never really been that much of a big fan of alcohol).
      People seem to hung up on their blackberry phones,  to the point where they might as well be that sort of electronic medium, and no longer exist as a human being.
     But you know what I say? Fuck 'em. I still have a heart and a goodwill for others. I want to live life to the fullest and have to succumb to these fake, artificial materialistic cultures that everyone is subscribing too.

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